Archival founds

1.        According to date of creation
1.1.  Documents contemporary with the described events (from underground times)
1.1.1.         Central Committee of RCP  Fund- Chancellery Department
1.1.2.         Personal Files of the Antifascists, made by Ministry of Internal Affairs (Fund no. 95)
1.1.3.         Documents about underground communist movement, made by police authorities (Collection no. 50)
1.1.4.         Trials stated by Justice, Secret Police and Gendarmerie against RCP’s members and sympathizers (Fund no. 96)
1.1.5.         Microfilms from Soviet Union
1.2.  Documents made after the events to which they refers
1.2.1.         Public Figures’ Memoires about socio-economic situation of Romania (Collection no. 60)
1.2.2.         The Romanian Federation of Former Political Prisoners and Antifascists Deportees (Fund no. 45)
1.2.3.         Party Files of Party Members with Underground Activity which have passed away (Collection no. 53)
1.2.4.         Central Committee of RCP – Staff Section
1.2.5.         Central Committee of RCP – Organizational Section - Annexes
2.        According to creator
2.1.  Internal Party Documents
2.2.  Documents made by authorities about communist movement