Dr Cristina DIAC is a senior researcher within the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism of the Romanian Academy. Since 2012, she collaborates with the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, and the History of the Romanians and of the South-Eastern Europe Department, providing a course on the communist movement in interwar Romania.
Her PhD thesis, published in 2014, addressed the Communist Party of Romania during Second World War. Between 2011 and 2013 she conducted research, funded by the Romanian National Council for Scientific Research, investigating the leaders of the CPoR from a prosopographical perspective. The main output was a database with one thousand entries (basic information about communist militants), extracted mostly from cadre files held the National Archives of Romania.
Recently, she has published biographical studies on the most important leaders of the CPoR, based on documents identified within the Russian Archive for the Socio-Political History, Moscow, Russian Federation (RGASPI) and Romanian archives. She also contributed to the most recent Nicolae Ceaușescu’s biography.